About Us

Animal Farm is a company created out of a love for animals and nature. Animals play a vital role in the balance of our ecosystem. From pollinating flowers to breaking down organic matter, they are essential to maintaining the health of the planet. It is unfortunate that many species are under threat from habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. By educating people more about these animals and their importance, we can empower people to make more conscious choices about the products they buy and the way they impact the world around them.  We hope to raise awareness about the ways humans have been impacting the planet and different animals - from climate change to deforestation. 

Our company is rooted in the idea of giving back, and we know that starts with taking care of the animals and the environment we share with them. For every product purchased, Animal Farm will donate 10% of our profits to a charity that focuses on animal conservation or environmental rehabilitation. Your purchase and donations are important to us because it allows us to continue our work. 

Animal Farm is proud to be a part of the change and hope that you will join us in our mission to save animals and improve the planet's declining environmental health. We are constantly striving to be a positive force in the world. Thank you for your support!