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    Read animal and climate control news articles that include stories on conservation efforts, climate crises and alternative energy sources, among many others topics.

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  • Animal Blog

    The Curious Case of Sunbathing: Why Do Animals Love To Sunbathe?

    During the hot summer months, you may often see animals stretched out in the sun, basking in the warm rays. But have you ever wondered why they love sunbathing so much? Hint: Its not just for the heat.

    Get you answers here 
  • Penguins in the Antarctic: Why They Matter and How We Can Protect Them

    Penguins are some of the most iconic and loved animals on the planet. Sadly, their populations are declining rapidly. The good news is that there are things we can do to help protect these amazing animals. 

    A Glimpse Into The Lives Of Penguins In The Antarctic 
  • A Comprehensive Guide To The Different Types Of Big Cats

    Big cats are some of the most popular animals in the world. People are fascinated by their power, grace, and beauty. We hope this article will help to increase understanding and appreciation for these amazing animals.

    Big Cats: everything you need to know 
  • Did You Know These 10 Amazing Facts About Polar Bears?

    Polar bears are one of the most fascinating animals in the world. They are massive creatures that are perfectly adapted to life in the Arctic. Here are 10 amazing facts about polar bears that you may not know:

    Facts about polar bears that will make you love them even more 
  • The Majestic Orcas: Learn More About Them Here!

    The ocean is full of amazing creatures, but few are as impressive, or as feared, as the killer whale. Also known as orcas, these large, black-and-white dolphins are some of the most intelligent, social, and massive predators in the world.

    To learn more about this fascinating animal, check out these mind-blowing facts 
  • The End Of An Era: Bristol Zoo To Close Its Doors Forever

    Bristol Zoo, a much-loved attraction in the city, is locking its cages after 186 years as they prepare to move to a new site. Bristol Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in the world and home to over 400 species of animals.

    What can be done to prevent such closures? 
  • The 5 Subspecies of Lions: Which One Is The King Of The Jungle?

    Lions are one of the most iconic animals in the world and are often referred to as the king of the jungle. Their regal bearing and magnificent manes have inspired many tales and fables, cementing their place in popular culture. In this article, we will be discussing different types of lions.  

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